Legal documentation

In this page you'll find all of the docs that you need to read before using our platform Master Coria URL Shortener. It has been divided in 3 sub-topics, which are: Terms and conditions, cookie policy and the privacy policy.

Index of the document

  1. Terms of use of the platform.
  2. Privacy policy.
  3. Cookie policy.

Terms of use

By using Master Coria URL Shortener, you are agree with the following rules:

  1. You will NOT shorten links that lead to pornographic sites.
  2. You will NOT short links that lead to .onion pages.
  3. It is PROHIBITED to shorten links to pages that incite violence like pages: gore, snuff, etc ...
  4. In the keywords and/or titles of shorten links, it is PROHIBITED to curse.
  5. It is PROHIBITED to short too many links in a short time.
  7. It is PROHIBITED to short links that go to pages that have any type of malware or virus.
  8. WARNING: The shorten URLs of our platform go to sites that could be external form our website. We are NOT responsible for the content you are going to enter.

It is important to follow this rules to prevent conflicts with authorities and/or bad image of the website.

If they are broken, the removal of the shortened URL/s will proceed as a first step, and if it happens again, you'll be BANNED, and will not be able to shorten any link again.

Privacy policy

We are 100% committed to safeguarding your privacy on our platform. We want to clarify some very important points:

Are cookies used on our site?:

Yeah, absolutely. We use them to for the anti-spam protection, and some other important things. Please read our cookie policy.

Is the site secure?:

The platform has powerful security systems. In addition your connection with us is encrypted with a chain of 2,048 bits (the largest and most powerful currently).

What data do you take when shortening a link?:

By shortening a link, we take your IP address as a reference (we do not show it to anyone, and it is to guide us who shortens what link), the website to shorten, the title of the URL, and the keyword of the short URL (if configured).


The long links shortened by our visitors are external to our servers and website. We do NOT control those pages and we are NOT responsible for what might happen if you choose to enter those URLs.

Cookie policy

What is a cookie?:

A cookie is a harmless text file that is stored in your browser when you visit almost any web page. The usefulness of the cookie is that the website is able to remember your visit when you return to browse that page. Although many people don't know it, cookies have been used for 20 years, when the first browsers for the World Wide Web appeared.

What IS NOT a cookie?:

It is not a virus, or a Trojan, or a worm, or spam, or spyware, or open windows pop-up.

What information stores a cookie?:

Cookies do not usually store sensitive information about you, such as credit cards or bank details, photographs, your ID or personal information, etc. The data they keep are of a technical nature, personal preferences, personalization of contents, etc.
The web server doesn't associate you as a person, it associates your web browser. In fact, if you regularly browse Internet Explorer and try to navigate through the same website with Firefox or Chrome you will see that the web does not realize that you are the same person because it is really associating the browser, not the person.

What type of cookies we use?: What are the cookies own and those of third parties?:

The own cookies are those generated by the page you are visiting and the third-parties cookies are generated by external services or providers such as Facebook, Twitter, Google, etc.

What happen if i deactivate the cookies?:

Probably the website stops working correctly for you, since the content may not adapt, such as statistics, URLs or other functions.

Can cookies be deleted?:

Yes. Not only delete, also block, in a general or particular way for a specific domain.
To remove the cookies from a website you must go to the configuration of your browser and there you can search the associated to the domain in question and proceed to its removal.